We create exceptional properties for private individuals and high end residential developers.
We have built our own practice with novel and yet very traditional methods of creating Architecture.
Think of Renaissance masters or early modernist architects such as F.L.Wright. They could draw and craft beautiful and functional buildings, interiors and furniture, small or big, simple or complex but unique and long lasting. They did not see architecture separate from interior, landscape, light or the end user. Their creations always aimed at seamless integration of all aspects of design with no boundaries between constituent parts.

In our studio we use the same approach. We design buildings with furniture in mind. We design furniture within wider spatial context. We design light as part of space and finishes. We think of landscape as architecture and vice versa. We sketch it, we make the invisible and unknown into visible and tangible. We reinforce our artistry with available CAD technology to manufacturing precision.
There is plenty of design professionals these days, but construction process is quite disjointed and fragmented. Architects design their buildings but have low sensitivity thresholds as far as interiors and end users’ peculiarities are concerned. Interior designers come closer to clients’ aspirations but fall short in spatial awareness and technical ability in creating a fully functioning product. Lighting designers do illuminate somebody else’s creations, but their light is something that is added to the objects rather than something that is emanating from within. Landscaping designers add their part on top.
All these professionals have very different education, design practices and attitudes. It is not easy to get them to sing from the same hymn sheet, let alone multiple fees and time delays caused by their collaboration. Quite often they duplicate some work whilst other areas of design are missed as falling between the cracks.
In our studio we integrate all these aspects of design under one roof and one responsibility. We implement our design on site. We recall the Greek arkhitecton as arki – “chief” and tekton– “creator” within the process and the product of planning, designing and constructing buildings.